unhelpful CLI
2018-11-22 02:08:48 UTC
This is a genuine newbie with a genuine problem. I thought the below was
unhelpful. I am still looking for
an example of simple plot command using gnuplot. I suppose if I bumble
around long enough I will find it.

line 0: unknown or ambiguous terminal type; type just 'set terminal'
for a list

WARNING: Plotting with an 'unknown' terminal.
No output will be generated. Please select a terminal with 'set terminal'.
set terminal
error: invalid conversion from string to real N-D array
error: set: H must be a graphics handle
Sent from: http://octave.1599824.n4.nabble.com/Octave-General-f1599825.html
2018-11-22 05:39:51 UTC
Post by whiffee
This is a genuine newbie with a genuine problem. I thought the below was
unhelpful. I am still looking for
an example of simple plot command using gnuplot. I suppose if I bumble
around long enough I will find it.
line 0: unknown or ambiguous terminal type; type just 'set terminal'
for a list
WARNING: Plotting with an 'unknown' terminal.
No output will be generated. Please select a terminal with 'set terminal'.
Post by whiffee
set terminal
error: invalid conversion from string to real N-D array
error: set: H must be a graphics handle
Are you tryin to plot from the Octave or the Gnuplot CLI?

Marco Atzeri
2018-11-22 10:37:11 UTC
Post by whiffee
This is a genuine newbie with a genuine problem. I thought the below was
unhelpful. I am still looking for
an example of simple plot command using gnuplot. I suppose if I bumble
around long enough I will find it.
Can you clarify what commands are you using ?
We can not guess the solution if we don't know what you are doing

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2018-11-22 17:37:21 UTC
Thanks for kind replies. The issue raised is minor.

In my pique of frustration, I did not ask the question
I wanted to ask. The example expression

ezplot('x^2*sin(x+y^2)+y^2*exp(x+y)+5*cos(x^2+y)' ,[-10 10])

can be rendered with either FLTK or Qt, but the output
does not have the detail of the same expression plotted in
Matlab. By cookbooking in gnuplot the script

set terminal pngcairo
set output 'implicit.png'
set contour
set cntrparam levels discrete 0
set view map
unset surface
unset key
set isosamples 500,500
set xrange [-10:10]
set yrange [-10:10]
splot x**2*sin(x+y**2)+y**2*exp(x+y)+5*cos(x**2+y)

(which I have no idea how to call from Octave)
approximates the detail of the Matlab plot. In Octave,
is it possible to get better detail out of the 'later'
toolkits by adding a sampling switch of some kind?

Gary Bollenbach

Octave 4.2.2 on Mint19, gnuplot 5.2
(I don't have Matlab, I just saw the plot in a book.)

Sent from: http://octave.1599824.n4.nabble.com/Octave-General-f1599825.html
Dmitri A. Sergatskov
2018-11-22 18:14:09 UTC
Post by whiffee
Thanks for kind replies. The issue raised is minor.
In my pique of frustration, I did not ask the question
I wanted to ask. The example expression
ezplot('x^2*sin(x+y^2)+y^2*exp(x+y)+5*cos(x^2+y)' ,[-10 10])
ezplot('x^2*sin(x+y^2)+y^2*exp(x+y)+5*cos(x^2+y)' ,[-10 10], 1000)


2018-11-22 21:59:38 UTC
On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 11:41 AM whiffee <
ezplot('x^2*sin(x+y^2)+y^2*exp(x+y)+5*cos(x^2+y)' ,[-10 10], 1000)
Magnificent. Thanks.

Sent from: http://octave.1599824.n4.nabble.com/Octave-General-f1599825.html
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