2018-11-28 22:14:42 UTC
I'm trying to control a sd90 servo with arduino using octave, but I don't
now what I'm missing.
I have octave 4.2.2 in Ubuntu. arduino 1.8.6 but not installed only
downloaded but it works well
package octave- arduino 0.3.0 instrument-control 0.3.1

I can detect the arduino and put digitals pins to on or off but when I try
to use the servo I only get error messages. I don't know why I can't
initialize the servo object.
This is my testing program and the result in command window:

#testing program arduino-servo
1 pkg load arduino
3 ar = arduino("/dev/ttyACM0","Uno","Libraries","servo")
5 % get the pin names
6 pins = ar.availablepins;
7 writeDigitalPin (ar, "d13", true);
8 #pause (2)
9 value1 = readDigitalPin (ar, "d13")
10 writeDigitalPin (ar, "d13", false);
11 #pause (2)
12 value2 = readDigitalPin (ar, "d13")
13 value3 = readVoltage (ar, "a0")
15 myServo = servo(ar, "d9", "minpulseduration", 1.0e-3,
"maxpulseduration", 2e-3);
17 writePosition (myServo, 0.5);

Result on Command Window
ar =
arduino object with fields of:
port = /dev/ttyACM0
board = uno
libraries = {
availablepins = {
d0 - d13
a0 - a5
value1 = 1
value2 = 0
value3 = 2.4536
error: sendCommand: failed err=10: msg=Unknown cmdID
error: called from
sendCommand at line 72 column 5
servo at line 119 column 3
provaArduino at line 15 column 9
Thanks for your help

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Andreas Weber
2018-11-29 18:05:33 UTC
Post by Vicent
error: sendCommand: failed err=10: msg=Unknown cmdID
Hi Vincent,
I never used the package but from the errormessage I guess the firmware
on the arduino doesn't know the servo command. Have you run
"arduinosetup" before (which falshes the firmware to the AVR)?

-- Andy
2018-11-29 19:06:37 UTC
Yes but I didn't do correctly because Octave didn't found my 1.8.6 arduino
binary program but it found the (2:1.0.5 +dfsg2-4.1) arduino version from
the ubuntu repository that I guess it's outdatet. Then I copied and pasted
the arduinosetup program from the old IDE to  the 1.8.6  and I uploaded the 
arduinosetup program to the arduino board but  seems that it didn't work
Now I have the same problem, Octave is not able to find the arduino binary
when I run the arduinosetup (I deleted the old version of arduino) This is
what I get in the command window.
Post by Vicent
pkg load arduino
error: __arduino_binary__: can not find the arduino binary
error: called from
    __arduino_binary__>find_arduino_binary at line 75 column 5
    __arduino_binary__ at line 26 column 22
    arduinosetup at line 188 column 21

I've copied manually the arduino file from the arduino-1.8.6 folder to the
Post by Vicent
pkg load arduino
Error: Could not find or load main class processing.app.Base
Running "/usr/bin/arduino" "/tmp/oct-Rsy4gf/octave/octave.ino"
ans = 0
I don't know what can i do...
Thanks for your patience.

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2018-11-30 12:55:05 UTC
arduinosetup ('arduinobinary', '/the_path_to_it/arduino')
Hello again,
Fortunately, the communication problem has been solved with the help of
John Donoghue who said me to use this:
arduinosetup ('arduinobinary', '/the_path_to_it/arduino')

and it works!
But I'm having still problems with this because the servo works very well
when it runs from the arduino IDE but it doesn't move when I try to do it
using the previous Octave program.
In the Command windows everything appears to be correct without error
ar = arduino("/dev/ttyACM0","Uno","Libraries","servo")
myServo = servo(ar, "d9", "minpulseduration", 1.0e-3, "maxpulseduration",

writePosition (myServo, 0);
position = readPosition (myServo)
writePosition (myServo, 1);
position = readPosition (myServo)

I've checked that the minimum pulse and maximum pulse duration are correct.
It's a sd90 servo. I know that the period is 50Hz (20 ms) but I don't know
how to configure to the program, I guess it's not necessary to do it . I
have not found more information about this.
Thanks for your patience again.

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2018-12-01 13:11:16 UTC
Now I've been able to move the servo, but I'm receiving an error message and
I have to restart the arduino board every time, disconnecting the USB cable.
If I press the reset arduino button, it doesn't work.

The error message appears when the servo is defined. After that I have to
disconnect it again.

ar = arduino();
myServo = servo(ar, "d9", "minpulseduration", 1.0e-3, "maxpulseduration",
writePosition (myServo, 0);
position = readPosition (myServo)
writePosition (myServo, 1);
position = readPosition (myServo)
a = 10
b = 20
warning: onCleanup: error caught while executing cleanup function:
srl_timeout: error setting timeout...
c = 30
d = 40
position = 0
position = 1

If I don't disconnect the board It doesn't work and I don't recieve the
error message.
a = 10
b = 20
c = 30
d = 40
position = 0
position = 1

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John Donoghue
2018-12-01 14:01:38 UTC
Thank you very much again. I've been able to move the servo!!
 But I'm receiving an error message and I have to restart the arduino
board every time, disconnecting the USB cable.  If I press the reset
arduino button, it doesn't work.
It works once and  I receive an error message when the servo is
defined. After that I have to disconnect it again.
It's the same doing small or big movements.
ar = arduino();
myServo = servo(ar, "d9", "minpulseduration", 1.0e-3, 
"maxpulseduration", 2.0e-3);
writePosition (myServo, 0);
position = readPosition (myServo)
writePosition (myServo, 1);
position = readPosition (myServo)
a =  10
b =  20
srl_timeout: error setting timeout...
c =  30
d =  40
position = 0
position =  1
If I don't disconnect the board It doesn't work and I don't recieve
the error message.
a =  10
b =  20
c =  30
d =  40
position = 0
position =  1
Disconnecting the board will put it out of sync in terms of any
configuration it has done on the board, so perhaps isnt surprising that
it shows an error at the case.

Modify your code to:

ar = arduino();
myServo = servo(ar, "d9", "minpulseduration", 1.0e-3,
"maxpulseduration", 2.0e-3);
writePosition (myServo, .5);
position = readPosition (myServo)
writePosition (myServo, .8);
position = readPosition (myServo)

And try it - I am still thinking you are possibly having issues from
drawing too much power with the servo with the large movements and
causing the board to reset.
John Donoghue
2018-12-01 20:08:22 UTC
so your previos program with steps on movement of 0.02 and I've got
the same result, the error message and the need of disconnect it to
run it again. Maybe the err
Just to be clear.
Starting with the arduino plugged in, NOT running octave.

Run octave and then execute the the step program once only.
Does it show the error, does it move the servo. Can you provide full
output ?

Without disconnecting the arduino, run
clear all
Then rerun the step program
What does it do ? Can provide full output.
John Donoghue
2018-12-02 01:10:22 UTC
Hi John,
I've done as you've said.
When I run the first time there is no error message and the servo
works well.
Then I typed "clear all" and worked well again but showing two warnigs.
After that I tried to run the program without "clear all" and the
servo didn't work and I didn't got error or warnings messages.
Finally I typed "clear all" and worked well showing the warnings.
I'm sending all the output.
Thanks again
ar = arduino();
myServo = servo(ar, "d9", "minpulseduration", 1.0e-3,
"maxpulseduration", 2.0e-3)
writePosition (myServo, .5);
position = readPosition (myServo)
speed = 0.02;
for count = (1:150)
   pos = readPosition (myServo);
  pos = pos + speed;
   if(pos > 1)
      pos = 1;
      speed = -speed;
    if(pos < 0)
      pos = 0;
      speed = -speed;
   writePosition (myServo, pos);
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Post by Vicent
pkg load arduino
provaArduino3 HERE WORKED WELL
a =  10
b =  20
myServo =
                pins = d9
    minpulseduration = 0.001000
    maxpulseduration = 0.002000
c =  30
d =  40
position =  0.50000
Post by Vicent
clear all
provaArduino3 HERE WORKED WELL
a =  10
warning: duplicate binary operator '==' for types 'octave_serial' and
warning: duplicate binary operator '!=' for types 'octave_serial' and
b =  20
myServo =
                pins = d9
    minpulseduration = 0.001000
    maxpulseduration = 0.002000
c =  30
d =  40
position =  0.50000
Post by Vicent
provaArduino3 HERE DIDN'T WORK
a =  10
b =  20
myServo =
                pins = d9
    minpulseduration = 0.001000
    maxpulseduration = 0.002000
c =  30
d =  40
position =  0.50000
Post by Vicent
clear all
a =  10
warning: duplicate binary operator '==' for types 'octave_serial' and
warning: duplicate binary operator '!=' for types 'octave_serial' and
b =  20
myServo =
                pins = d9
    minpulseduration = 0.001000
    maxpulseduration = 0.002000
c =  30
d =  40
position =  0.50000
so your previos program with steps on movement of 0.02 and I've got
the same result, the error message and the need of disconnect it to
run it again. Maybe the err
Just to be clear.
Starting with the arduino plugged in, NOT running octave.
Run octave and then execute the the step program once only.
 > provaArduino3
Does it show the error, does it move the servo. Can you provide full
output ?
Without disconnecting the arduino, run
 > clear all
Then rerun the step program
 > provaArduino3
What does it do ? Can provide full output.
ok - no errors printed when it didnt work ?

After running the script, are the servo and arduino objects in the
variable window?

If so, thats the main issue - as the hardware is already allocated from
the original calls, but doesnt check whethers ats already allocated on
the second call.

the clear all clears all the variables and so frees the objects, so then
allows them to be recreated correctly gain.
2018-12-02 11:31:45 UTC
Post by John Donoghue
ok - no errors printed when it didnt work ?
After running the script, are the servo and arduino objects in the
variable window?
If so, thats the main issue - as the hardware is already allocated from
the original calls, but doesnt check whethers ats already allocated on
the second call.
the clear all clears all the variables and so frees the objects, so then
allows them to be recreated correctly gain.
No errors printed when it didn't work , and after running the script the
servo and arduino objects are in the variable window.
So using 'clear all' solve this and allows to run very well.

<Loading Image...>

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John Donoghue
2018-12-02 18:05:22 UTC
Thank you very much for solve this problem , your patience and time.
Now it works very well!
I have another issue but I'm not sure to use this thread.
ans = {}(0x0)
Should I open other thread?
Finally I've also seen that in my sd90 servo using
"minpulseduration": 1.0e-3 and "maxpulseduration": 2.0e-3, the angular displacement is about 90 degrees whereas if I change them to "minpulseduration": 0.54e-3 and "maxpulseduration": 2.43e-3 the result is a possible angular displacement of 165 degrees. The weird thing is that the sd90 datasheet says that between 1.0e-3 and 2.0e-3 the displacement has to be of 180 degrees. Maybe is a particular servo issue and it's not a problem to deal with it.
Thanks again.
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Sometimes It may take a little while for the USB port to be available,
so may not show up. If you run the scan again does it show up?

You should really only need to run arduinosetup once (unless updating,
to compiling with additional libraries/addons)

Looking up the SG-90, I see several complaints about the range of them
not being between -90 - 90  for the 1 - 2ms input

[1] https://servodatabase.com/servo/towerpro/sg90
2018-12-02 19:19:47 UTC
Post by John Donoghue
Sometimes It may take a little while for the USB port to be available,
so may not show up. If you run the scan again does it show up?
You should really only need to run arduinosetup once (unless updating,
to compiling with additional libraries/addons)
Looking up the SG-90, I see several complaints about the range of them
not being between -90 - 90  for the 1 - 2ms input
[1] https://servodatabase.com/servo/towerpro/sg90
I 'm getting the same result every time, now I've been waiting 45 minutes
and I got the same:
ans = {}(0x0)

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