2018-12-08 17:15:39 UTC
i see informatin about this package financial:
Function File: bolling (asset, samples, alpha, width)
Function File: [movavg, upperband, lowerband] = bolling (asset, samples,
If no output is requested, plot the bollinger bands of the asset. If output
is requested, return the values for the bollinger bands. If given, alpha is
the weighting power of the moving average; 0 (default) is the simple moving
average, see movavg for the full definition. width is the number of standard
deviations to plot above and below the moving average (default: 2).
Asset is a vector (i think it's)
alpha is type moving average
width is number of standard deviations
samples : ...what is??
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Function File: bolling (asset, samples, alpha, width)
Function File: [movavg, upperband, lowerband] = bolling (asset, samples,
If no output is requested, plot the bollinger bands of the asset. If output
is requested, return the values for the bollinger bands. If given, alpha is
the weighting power of the moving average; 0 (default) is the simple moving
average, see movavg for the full definition. width is the number of standard
deviations to plot above and below the moving average (default: 2).
Asset is a vector (i think it's)
alpha is type moving average
width is number of standard deviations
samples : ...what is??
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